Tesla in Dubai, already on the ALTairEGO tyre cushions !

The last news concerning ALTairEGO tyre cushions sets to avoid tyre flat spot

Tesla Dubai has already choosen its own ALTariEGO tyre cushions to preserve its tyres and though avoid the formation of the very bad phenomenon known as flat spot! Because even a full electric, a fantastic car like the Tesla cannot forget this fact as it also park for even long periods, like for example when travelling far away in airplane to another continent.

05 March 2016
Great car but often not daily driven. Has also the necessity to preserve, like all other non dialy used vehicles, its tyres.

While with a daily used car, this phenomenon does not affect it so much. But the non daily use favors the emergence of the well known flat spot, which does not appear at all when using and parking on the ALTairEGO tyre cushions sets and choosing, furthermore, the most appropriate for a specific car; thanks to the large range of existing ALTairEGO products.